Introducing a New Kitten to Cats
Cat Care

Introducing a New Kitten to Cats

Introducing A New Kitten To A Cat Introducing a new kitten to a cat can be quite scary. All Pet Parents worry and think "what if they hate each other?" "what can i do to help the introduction?" These are all common questions asked by loving pet parents who are

Parvo virus
Pet First Aid

Canine Parvo-Virus

Parvo Fact File What is Canine Parvo Virus? Canine Parvo-virus emerged as an epidemic in the 1970s, killing thousands of dogs. Although now its mainly under control, due to vaccinations,  Parvo is still quite common especially in UAE, with young puppies especially at risk. Canine parvovirus infection is a highly

Guinea Pig pet facts
Small Animal Care

Guinea Pig Fact File

Guinea Pig Fact File (more…)